Any expert witness, witness or property assessor of an insured accident who deliberately provides false supporting documents, thus creating the conditions for another to practise defraudation, shall be deemed an accomplice in insurance fraud and punished as such. 保险事故的鉴定人、证明人、财产评估人故意提供虚假的证明文件,为他人诈骗提供条件的,以保险诈骗的共犯论处。
Therefore, how to effectively prevent and curb insurance fraud has become an urgent problem to be solved in the insurance industry. 因此,如何有效地防范和打击保险诈骗活动已成为当前我国保险业亟待解决的问题。
Three businessmen have been charged with perpetrating a massive insurance fraud. 三个商人被指控犯有大金额保险金欺骗罪。
Is It the Crime of Insurance Fraud Or the Legitimate Settlement of Claim Based on the Sham Administrative Act 是保险诈骗还是基于假行政行为的正当理赔
As in other countries, data on health-care fraud are scant in China, but Hu believes that medical insurance fraud is widespread. 与在其它国家一样,中国关于卫生保健欺诈问题的数据也很少,但胡教授认为中国广泛存在医疗保险欺诈现象。
It shows that only traditional regulation on the insurers and agencies is not sufficient, there should also be regulation of insurance fraud in place. 这使得保险市场行为监管不能仅仅局限于传统意义上的对保险机构违规行为的监管,还应包括对保险欺诈的防范和惩治。
FBI agents conducted a raid of a psychiatric hospital in San Diego that was under investigation for medical insurance fraud. 联邦密探正在对圣地亚哥的一个精神病院关于医疗保险欺诈行为进行突袭。
Based on a survey of18 Chinese provinces, Hu says that "medical insurance fraud exists in all provinces and occurs at every stage from collection to payment." 根据对中国18个省份进行的一项调查,胡指出“所有省份均存在医疗保险欺诈现象,并发生在从征集到支付的各个阶段。”
With the memory of a key witness in an insurance fraud. 伪造案中重要证人的记忆。
A rigorous and explicit legal definition of insurance fraud is given in Article 198 of our 1997 Penal Code. 我国1997年刑法第198条对本罪进行了严格与明确的法律规定。
The198th article of the Criminal Law of China prescribes the offense of insurance fraud independently. 我国在现行刑法典中,单独以第198条规定了保险诈骗罪。
The Study of Insurance Fraud under Asymmetric Information 信息不对称下的保险欺诈问题研究
This paper is targeted on the implemented act of insurance fraud, combining the theory of criminal law and insurance law's practice, mainly discuss the meaning, form and other related problems of five statutory conducts. 以保险诈骗罪实行行为的内容为研究对象,结合刑法理论和保险法的相关内容和实践,重点探讨分析了该罪的五种法定行为方式的含义、表现形式和立法体例的问题。
In this part, using the state-space diagrams and the game theory, we study the effects of risk classfication and rate regulation, principle of utmost good faith, insurance fraud etc. 本部分分别运用状态空间图和博弈理论研究了风险分类和费率监管的效应、最大诚信原则和保险欺诈等问题。
Arguments are concentrated mainly on the comprehension of the constitutive characteristics and the juridical cognizance of insurance fraud. 虽然刑法第198条明确规定了保险诈骗罪,但理论界对法条内容的理解还存在一定的分歧,分歧主要集中在对保险诈骗罪构成特征的理解和该罪的具体认定上。
For this our legislature must perfect criminal legislation gradually and severely punish kinds of crimes of insurance fraud. 为此我国立法机关要逐步完善刑事立法,严厉打击各种保险诈骗犯罪。
This article is designed to discuss and analyze the related issues on crime of insurance fraud in judicial practice. 本文从法律适用的角度,对保险诈骗罪在司法认定中的若干相关问题作出了分析与探讨。
The increasingly serious insurance fraud has drawn broad attention from circles of both finance and law. 保险诈骗犯罪的日益严重已引起金融界和法律界人士的广泛关注。
The second chapter is about insurance fraud and asymmetric information. 第二章为保险欺诈与信息不对称。
The insurance fraud always develops with insurance industry. 保险诈骗犯罪与保险业的发展如影相随。
Insurance fraud is happened in insurance field of a special type of fraud crime. 保险诈骗罪是发生在保险领域的一种特殊类型的诈骗犯罪。
The second part studies the special forms of crime of insurance fraud. 第二部分对保险诈骗罪的特殊形态进行了研究。
Due to asymmetric information, insurance fraud countries in the insurance industry had to face problems. 由于信息不对称,保险欺诈成为各国保险业不得不面对的难题。
The second chapter in the judicial practice of insurance fraud identified the existing problems. 第二章司法实务中对保险诈骗的认定存在的问题。
The reality background to research insurance fraud in China is that the rapid development of insurance industry played a significant role in promoting economic and social development. 当前我国保险业迅速发展,对经济和社会发展起到了很大的促进作用,这是我国保险诈骗罪研究的现实背景。
On this basis, this part analyzes the four elements of crime of insurance fraud and penalty provision, and then analyzes the characteristics of crime of insurance fraud in China. 在此基础上,对保险诈骗罪的四个构成要件和处罚规定展开了分析。接着分析了我国保险诈骗犯罪的特点。
On study of the complicity problem in crime of insurance fraud, this part focuses on analyzing the situation in which policy-holder, the insured person or beneficiary collude with insurance company staff to defraud insurance benefit. 在保险诈骗犯罪共犯问题的研究上,重点分析了投保方人员、被保险人或受益人与保险公司的工作人员相勾结骗取保险金的情况。
The third part analyzes and compares Chinese and foreign legislation of crime of insurance fraud. 第三部分对我国及国外的保险诈骗罪的立法进行了分析及比较研究。
The insurance fraud not only exists in the primary insurance trading market, but also exists in the reinsurance trading market. 保险欺诈不仅存在于原保险交易市场中,而且也存在于再保险交易市场中。
Amendments to the criminal law of China in 1997, when will the new criminal law, and thus the income to combat damage insurance order of insurance fraud, provides practical legal basis. 我国1997年修订刑法时已经将把本罪收入新刑法,从而以打击破坏保险秩序的保险诈骗活动,提供了切实的法律依据。